Thursday, October 17, 2024

The Holocaust in Gaza

Netanyahu's criminal-fascist-failed state (if he were not Prime Minister he'd be in prison, where Trump has also long ago belonged) is carrying out a genocidal holocaust right before our eyes.  Gaza has been razed to the ground, the occupied territory of the West Bank is now being targeted, as is the entire nation of Lebanon and, with the active support of the Biden administration, Iran.  Gaza is now clearly more a concentration-extermination camp than the apartheid open-air prison that human rights organizations have been documenting for years.

One is left with no words to describe, let alone fully comprehend, the most genocidal holocaust occurring before our eyes daily, hourly.  How can one begin to describe the children (half of the population of Gaza are childrenburned alive right before our eyes.  The imposed starvation that immediately recalls the Nazi concentration camps.  There are no words.   

The Jewish physician, survivor of the Shoah, Gabor Mate explains this all in detail.  If his testimony and analysis doesn't move one to tears, then one is obviously on the psychopathic spectrum, to the racist, genocidal side.

One may also listen to Israel's own Gideon Levy describing the ongoing catastrophe.

The United States Empire is in an accelerating morbid decline that is potentially lethal to all life on Earth, and at an accelerating nonlinear rate that is beyond comprehension.

The United States is now left with the head MAGAt walking corpse/wax figure, Trump, paraded around to further institute abject fascism, or the perhaps watered down Biden support for the ongoing genocide in Palestine and now the broader Middle East.  The walking MAGAt corpse would ensure not only the completion of the Netanyahu holocaust, recall Trump's criminal murder of Qassem Soleimani, the head of the only ground force successfully fighting the Islamic State, but also race ever faster towards the looming nuclear holocaust and ecological extinction that are on the horizons.

Great choices these, of course the single corporate-state party only offers two prepackaged positions.  

Such times always recall to mind Antonio Gramsci's formulation of pessimism of the intellect, optimism of the will.  Only all of Earth's life hangs in the balance. 


Friday, July 19, 2024

Political Violence


Political violence is categorically impermissible (the means by which Adolf Hitler and the Nazis rose to power, murdering democratic socialists in the streets, Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebnecht being the most well known) such as the MAGAt who sped his car into the nonviolent protest in Charlottesville murdering Heather Heyer and the attempted assassination of Gabby Giffords.  Shall we list the index: James Garfield, William McKinley, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., Robert Kennedy, John F. Kennedy, and that's the least of it.

Trump should have years ago already been in prison where the treasonous psychopath belongs, precluding the possibility of him being shot at in the first place.  As was reasonably hypothesized (the shooter could’ve been either just another psychopath with a weapon, or a disillusioned MAGAt) it turns out that the shooter was a deranged lunatic who had been bullied at school and remarkably shot up the largest gathering within his vicinity (The Trump MAGAt rally) rather than another school mass shooting.  For years there have been more mass shootings within the year than days in the year, currently 604 mass shootings within 200 days in the year so far. 

Given the GQP’s staunch support for the public owning and deregulation of military grade assault rifles and the rest, this is the most distilled example of sowing what one reaps. 

It’s improbably remarkable that Trump turned his head just as the shot was fired at him, blowing off part of his ear rather than blowing his brains out.  Such apocalyptic times we are now living within, when the GQP will allow for citizens to carry weapons such as the one Trump was shot at with, and yet again that's the least of it.

Equally impermissible have been the security and police murders of Samuel Sharpe and D'Vontaye Mitchell, two black men killed just prior to and during the Republican National Convention.  Predictably these killings have received little to no attention in the media.  


Monday, March 04, 2024

Aaron Bushnell’s opposition to the ongoing genocide in Gaza and broader Palestine: self-emolation

 The livestream in which Aaron Bushnell sets himself ablaze is as horrific as it is compelling.  The calm and reasoned Aaron speaking to the camera, explaining calmly and articulately what he was doing as he walked up to the Israeli embassy and then proceeded to dowse himself in highly flammable liquid, then lighting himself on fire as he shouted “Free Palestine!”, is a shock to one’s mind, as it ought to be, and those unmoved may need the further looking into: psychopathy, racist fascism, from where do such inhuman dispositions and behaviors towards this tragedy come?

Those who are familiar with the social movements in the United States, particularly the anti-war protests against the Vietnam War, images of the Vietnamese Mahayana Buddhist monk, Thích Quảng Đức, who self-immolated in an act of defiance, viscerally comes to mind while processing Bushnell’s self-emolation and the present protests against Israel's ongoing genocide. 

The military foreign involvement of the so-called United States in myriad conflict zones replete with war crimes and human rights violations is as dangerous as it has ever been (the Doomsday Clock is still 90 seconds to midnight, the closest to omnicidal annihilation that it has ever been).  The U.S. support for the ongoing genocide in Palestine, the arming of the apartheid state of Israel, and the sole United Nations Security Council’s opposition to a ceasefire in Gaza, yet again illustrates that the U.S. is a rogue, failed state.

If these commitments (genocide in Palestine; unrestrained military confrontation with Russia in Ukraine; military provocations towards China, all of these provocations being towards nuclear armed states) are not reversed and corrected for human rights, international law, and simple human decency, the trajectory is unconscionably towards nuclear holocaust and omnicide.

Nearing the Presidential election, it is clear that the two candidates of the left and right hands of the single business party (the so-called United States is a single party state) are dangerously inadequate: either a geriatric, genocidal, right-wing reactionary, or a treasonous and fascist psychopath.  Things are beginning to look a little bit too much like the Nitzschean-level decadence that was one of the indicators of the looming collapse of the 'Holy' Roman Empire.  Great harbingers these.  


Wednesday, November 08, 2023

The state of Israel's historical and presently ongoing colonial Genocide

I’ve not yet posted anything about the recent “mowing the lawn” that the state of Israel is waging presently (and is always cycling through since 1947 and 1967) against the oppressed citizens of the still presently unrecognized state of Palestine.  This since the very beginning, I’ve kept up to the minute and have viewed some of the most horrific scenes since and still every day after the previous.  Entire families exterminated, every member of a family save but for a few.  Horrific scenes of inhuman carnage and the murdered and maimed children.  Recall that the Palestinians forced into the enclosed, open air prison of the densely populated 'city' that is the Gaza Strip, with their three different 'passports', are accorded no rights, not even the rights of prisoners.  Gaza's population of children is approximately half of the entire population.  According to the best measures of UNICEF, of the entire population 45% are children, and 44% are refugees.    

I’m not sure that I’ve seen anything quite like visiting the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp at around six-years-old or so, an experience that will not leave me until I die.  The Shoah (The Holocaust) occurred decades and decades before I was alive, and the remnants of it haunt me when I remember it, such as now.  What we’re witnessing right now every day is the Israeli state’s (the most racist and fascist since I’ve been alive and followed it) colonial genocide waged against the most oppressed human beings alive right now.  Where's our Tikkun olam?  The Palestinians have been being murdered since The Balfour Declaration and the ethnic cleansing and colonial extermination of the indigenous Palestinians which culminated in the Nakba of 1948.  This grotesque and inhuman genocide is to this very day proceeding with no objection by the so-called United States (but rather, is actually in full support and quietly arming and escalating the genocidal assault) is the only nation state in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), and a permanent one, that could condemn and even allow for the ICC, (of which, the so-called United States has always voted against its recognition, for the obvious and transparent For Reasons of State) to prosecute the perpetrators functioning within the ever more fascistic Israeli state, of which the former Israeli State’s Foreign Minister, Schlomo Ben-Ami, would himself condemn.  Yet the so-called United States is the only UN member that could alter the genocide by ceasing to reject the positions voted in favor of by essentially the entire General Assembly and the other permanent members of the Security Council, being one of the permanent members of the UNSC.

I’ve recently been uplifted by witnessing the mass opposition to the so-called United States’ unconditional and inhuman support of the state of Israel’s ongoing colonial genocide, perhaps the historical residues of the original genocidal campaign of the colonial Europeans waged against the Indigenous of the Americas.  The masses of people who take to the streets in protest all across the world, are the only force alive that has the possible, essential, and necessary force to alter the course of the so-called United States' executive, legislative and judicial branches, more towards the actually ethical and human. 

Shall I mention the fact that the so-called United States has not and still refuses to publicly acknowledge the state of Israel’s large thermonuclear arsenal.  Given that under U.S. Code (law) itself declares that it is illegal to support a nuclear state in providing aid (military aid more specifically).  Let’s not for now get in-depth into the United Nations and the most heinous international crimes, Apartheid and colonial genocide, with the staunchest support from the so-called United States, perhaps the historical residues of the European colonial and genocidal occupation of the Americas.


Chomsky, Noam, Pappe, Illan, (2015). On Palestine. Haymarket Books.

Finkelstein, Norman, (2018). Gaza: An Inquest Into Its Martyrdom. University of California Press.

Khalidi, Rashid, (2020). The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine. Metropolitan Books.

There are myriad more, but these three are essential.  One ought to read Edward Said as well, among so many others, such as Tariq Ali, Arundhati Roy, the Israeli journalists Amira Hass and Gideon Levy at least.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Artificial Intelligence, Christopher Hitchens on Breaking Bad and the actual Sciences: An Interlude on Ridiculousness in the form of H.L. Mencken

So very eerie and creepy the manner in which some particular human coded software running on some particular hardware can produce such nearly convincing fabrications and lies strung whole cloth from a pervasive, perverse, and plagiarized digital database scraped off of the clear web by the coded software. Far beyond the corporatization of the internet and its inevitable digital disconnect (McChesney, 2013) the so-called AIs are essentially constructed pre-made for the global authoritarians and fascists to wage the most concentrated and potentially lethal form of fascist propaganda so far in the history of the human species.

A preliminary, going further into the corporate produced ‘AIs’ (Alphabet/Google/NSA/CIA) are more fundamental discussions of its actual humanly produced potentially lethal functions (not yet as terminally lethal as the potentials of nuclear holocaust and ecological extinction) and its barely tenuous connection to such mathematical and philosophical discussion as self-awareness and the ‘Turing Test’ that most of those who cite it do not actually understand.

Recent Addendum (October, 16, 2023)

The A.I. programed fabrications scraped off of the clear web, such as the NSA has been doing since before the Snowden exposures, are so far continuing on, potentially towards catastrophic consequences.  Almost to the exact date of two months ago, another A.I. Hitchens creepy frabrication scraped off of the clear web by some human coded software/program has been released.  Absolutely ridiculous and reckless, for shame.  The fascists of the world are as aware of and probably grateful for such a premade machine for producing and distributing presentations that those who are unfamiliar with the subject matter may be made to perceive these fictional presentations as reality.  Mussolini, the Nazis, Franco, they would have already annihilated human civilization had they such a machine as this.  The modern day fascists across the globe could cause the initiation of nuclear holocaust, and as such the annihilation of most life on earth, omnicide. 


Bla de, de bla here it is: AI Hitchens on Breaking Bad

Chomsky, Noam, The Turing Test

Chomsky, Noam, Can Machines Think? 

Chomsky, Noam, Advances in AI: ChatGPT | Human Brain

 Chomsky, Noam, Kahn, Jeremy, Marcus, Gary, Debunking the great AI lie

 McChesney, Robert W. (2013), Digital Disconnect: How Capitalism is turning the Internet against Democracy. The New Press