Thursday, October 17, 2024

The Holocaust in Gaza

Netanyahu's criminal-fascist-failed state (if he were not Prime Minister he'd be in prison, where Trump has also long ago belonged) is carrying out a genocidal holocaust right before our eyes.  Gaza has been razed to the ground, the occupied territory of the West Bank is now being targeted, as is the entire nation of Lebanon and, with the active support of the Biden administration, Iran.  Gaza is now clearly more a concentration-extermination camp than the apartheid open-air prison that human rights organizations have been documenting for years.

One is left with no words to describe, let alone fully comprehend, the most genocidal holocaust occurring before our eyes daily, hourly.  How can one begin to describe the children (half of the population of Gaza are childrenburned alive right before our eyes.  The imposed starvation that immediately recalls the Nazi concentration camps.  There are no words.   

The Jewish physician, survivor of the Shoah, Gabor Mate explains this all in detail.  If his testimony and analysis doesn't move one to tears, then one is obviously on the psychopathic spectrum, to the racist, genocidal side.

One may also listen to Israel's own Gideon Levy describing the ongoing catastrophe.

The United States Empire is in an accelerating morbid decline that is potentially lethal to all life on Earth, and at an accelerating nonlinear rate that is beyond comprehension.

The United States is now left with the head MAGAt walking corpse/wax figure, Trump, paraded around to further institute abject fascism, or the perhaps watered down Biden support for the ongoing genocide in Palestine and now the broader Middle East.  The walking MAGAt corpse would ensure not only the completion of the Netanyahu holocaust, recall Trump's criminal murder of Qassem Soleimani, the head of the only ground force successfully fighting the Islamic State, but also race ever faster towards the looming nuclear holocaust and ecological extinction that are on the horizons.

Great choices these, of course the single corporate-state party only offers two prepackaged positions.  

Such times always recall to mind Antonio Gramsci's formulation of pessimism of the intellect, optimism of the will.  Only all of Earth's life hangs in the balance.