Saturday, February 15, 2025

Looming Fascism in the United States


It’s not yet been even a month and the violent whirlwind within which the MAGAt executive is assaulting the federal government, the Constitution, fellow Citizens, and the broader global population is already so aggressive with so myriad of fronts that it takes a very diligent forensic analysis of it all to even begin to grasp its enormity.  No one person can, it requires an active, organized, international cooperative effort by civil and human rights groups, social democratic party organizations, activist and revolutionary movements and collectives.  Only mass action can help us now.

The parallels to fascism are now too blatantly evident to deny comparison.  The central feature of the global fascism of the 1930s begins with the industrial capitalists' support of the fascist parties in opposition to the global workers movement, union organizations, and the democratic socialist parties that represented them in parliaments across the world.  Now the industrialist capitalists are not only supporting the MAGAt movement in the executive, and not only were they gjven front row seats to Trump’s inauguration, but they are also now literally operating within the very administration themselves.  Most conspicuously the unelected corporate fascist Elon Musk within the newly created Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE). 

The MAGAt program returning from the first administration is headed by the “flood the zone” tactic, with such a blizzard of crazed minutia that it’s difficult to keep track of all of the transgressions both large and small.  It’s not even been a full month and already the MAGAt executive has fired hundreds of thousands of federal employees.  It has already banned the Associated Press (AP) from the White House press pool, can a more flagrant assault on the 1st amendment be found?  Along with the MAGAt administration's second violent assault on immigrants and migrant workers.  The ICE raids are so aggressive and unrestrained that they’ve been harassing the Navajo, literally the only residents of the United States who lived here before the European conquistadors and colonists even knew the Americas were here.  They’ve already detained U.S. citizens for nothing other than speaking Spanish in public.  They’ve also already detained and revoked student visas from foreign students for supporting positions with which the MAGAts disagree.  This has already expanded to the early glimmerings of domestic violence against U.S. citizens.

This is only scratching the surface.  As said above, there is such a blizzard of assaults it’s difficult to sort it, from the assault on the judiciary, the assault on foreign aid which has already been lethal, the idiotic renaming of the Gulf of Mexico, which only the MAGAt executive recognizes (hence the banning of the AP), RFK jr.’s diabolically psychotic assault on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the withdrawal from the World Health Organization, during none other than an increase in global avian influenza, ebola, and plenty more illnesses on the rise.  Trump’s call for full ethnic cleansing in occupied Gaza, and the withdrawal from the UN Human Rights Council, as clear an example of laying the foundation for the vicious assault on human rights for the construction of fascism as there is.

If it looks like fascism, if it talks like fascism, if it walks like fascism, it must be fascism in embryo.  We cannot allow this embryo to fertilize and bloom into full manifestation.  We must organize a resistance and fight against this greatest threat to human civilization and all global life on the planet, or stand by and passively watch the plunge into a terminal fascism that is bound to doom human civilization and all life on Earth with it.  

Lest we forget that Hitler was released early after serving 8 months of a 5 year sentence for high treason for the Beer Hall Putsch, during which he wrote Mein Kampf, and similarly the coward Merrick Garland dragging his feet on trying and sentencing Trump for inciting a failed coup d'etat, after which, the approximately 1600 chosen January 6 insurrectionists and rioters Trump made sure to pardon and commute on the very first day, an omen of the pending doom.

Karl Marx observed that: “Hegel remarks somewhere that all facts and personages of great importance in world history occur, as it were, twice.  He forgot to add: the first time as tragedy, the second as farce.”

If the MAGAt farce of the Nazi tragedy isn’t proof of this, then nothing is.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Brief reflections on the 2024 Presidential catastrophe


Biden, Harris, Cheney, the dominant corporate democrats in name only are now the neocons of yesteryear (lemmings racing towards the right and inevitably towards the cliff), while the republican party, Trump’s criminal MAGAt cult of personality, has years ago left functional parliamentary politics (we’ve the receipts), and is now percolating to the surface the vast stagnant pool of what used to be latent fascism into the manifestation of pure, abject fascist authoritarianism.  Trump’s MAGAt 2025 program brings the United States to the very precipice of fully bloomed fascist tyranny, only placing the entire human and nonhuman species on Earth onto the brink of extermination and omnicide.

We’re now living within what may well be the death throes of the United States’ Empire, it’s experiment in ratification democracy.   

On the 18th of September, 1787, the Maryland delegate to the Constitutional Convention relayed in a journal that on the last day of the convention, Mrs. Powel of Philada asked Benjamin Franklin “Well Doctor what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?”  Franklin answered, “A republic if you can keep it.”  The keeping of it is well up in the air now and is potentially terminal, omnicidal even.

The corporate democrats in name only deserved to be defeated in a legitimate political spectrum, if the United States even had one, yet the global population doesn’t deserve the looming violence and psychopathy of the MAGAt cult in power.

To be continued...